Lista completă a cadrelor didactice și de cercetare poate fi accesată aici
Departamentul de Biochimie și Biologie Moleculară organizează două programe de master astfel:
- Masterul de cercetare: Biochimie și Biologie Moleculară (BBM)
- Fișele disciplinelor BBM - anul 1
- Fișele disciplinelor BBM - anul 2
- Masterul profesional: Biochimie Clinică Aplicată (BioClinAp)
- Plan de învățământ BioClinAp
- Fișele disciplinelor BioClinAp - anul 1
- Fișele disciplinelor BioClinAp - anul 2
Advanced Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is a Master`s degree that aims to provide students with advanced academic and research training in biochemistry and molecular biology, allowing them a future research career and acces to a doctorate program. The content of courses ensures a very good training in the study of molecular processes occuring in living cells. Knowledge in bioinformatic and statistic techniques are also provided. Also, this Masters` Program achieves the training of future researchers in Molecular Biomedicine, generating the possibility of graduates to work on the interface between fundamental and clinical research in universities, clinical laboratories, hospitals, and biomedical research centers.
Selective list of given courses:
Advanced Molecular Genetics
Cell signaling
Gene therapy
Molecular basis of diseases
Biochemical and molecular toxicology
Professor Sergiu Emil Georgescu